If Participant’s request for a gap year is approved, Participant must agree to the following Terms and Conditions, and Participant’s parent/guardian must acknowledge that Participant has agreed to these Terms and Conditions and to support Participant in doing so:
- Participant will not apply for admission as a degree-seeking student to any other college or university during the remainder of this year or during the coming year.
- Participant will not enroll as a full-time student or degree-seeking student at another college or university during your gap year.
- If Participant chooses to take any college courses for Duke credit, Participant understands and acknowledges that Duke will only recognize the credits in accordance with relevant Duke policies.
- Participant will not enroll in a post-graduate program at a secondary school.
- Participant will abide by the Conditions of Application that Participant agreed to when Participant applied to Duke and the conditions contained in Participant’s letter of admission to Duke.
- Participant is required to maintain high standards of academic performance and personal behavior in and out of school, as mentioned in the letter of admission to Duke University. This includes abiding by our Community Standard.
- If there is any change in the information Participant provided in Participant’s application to Duke—including any academic, personal, disciplinary, or legal matters—Participant agrees to contact the Duke admissions office within 48 hours.
If Participant’s application to the Duke Gap Year Program (DGYP) is accepted, Participant and Participant’s parent/guardian are required to sign a Participation Agreement, which agreement will include the following and other expectations:
- Follow Duke Gap Year Program blog and social media expectations.
- Submit a mid-year and end-of-year report reflecting on your experiences.
- Complete surveys for the Gap Year Research Consortium at Colorado College.
- Engage with the DGYP community once you arrive on campus.
The Agreement will be sent to DGYP applicants and their guardians via Adobe Sign.