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Hi everyone, my name is Tristan and I’m originally Dutch/French but have lived all my life in London. I’m super excited for my gap year and will give you guys a brief outline of my plans so far. In September I plan to go to Madrid and do a month long bartending course and also learn Spanish and Spanish guitar, then for the month of October I am going to Alturas resort in Costa Rica to volunteer with wildlife and animal conservation . I think I might stay a week or two extra after this volunteering to travel around Costa Rica before going to Verbier, Switzerland for the months of December and January to maybe get my ski instructor license and try win some freeride competitions (I try to be optimistic). After this I am going to Japan in February and March to, once again, ski, but to also explore such a beautiful country and learn more about its culture. After Japan I am going to Thailand to train Muay Thai and MMA which will probably be based in Phuket for 2 months. I have done Muay Thai for a long time but have never dedicated 2 months solely to learning it, so I am very excited. I’ll try explore other parts of South-East Asia while I’m there but nothing is set in stone. Finally I will volunteer at UNRWA working with refugees in Jordan for 2 months if the region is safe enough to visit. Thank you Duke for giving me
this opportunity and I’ll see you all very soon!