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Welcome to Summer

By: Camey VanSant

By Nathan

Today was my last day of school before summer vacation! I will return to school at the end of February. My first two months in school were great for meeting people, but quickly the days at school became mundane while I struggled to understand the subjects. For context, I just ended the “5th year” (Junior Year in the US) of Argentinian high school–when school starts again in February I’ll be in the “6th year” which is the final year. Luckily for me, I am not required to take any tests or complete any homework. This particular school is focused on the economy. Every day there are one or two classes focused on economics. These classes have been difficult for me to understand. I immediately get lost in the translation of not only the language but also the currency. An easier class for me is my music class, which I have twice a week. I was involved in choir all throughout middle school and high school, so naturally, music is one of my favorite classes in Argentina and a place where I feel at home. I have learned the most in this class. We’ve studied different genres of music in Argentina, played Argentinian instruments, and learned lots of history through music. Although I am happy to move on to the adventures of summer, I also look forward to next school year when my language has advanced and I can be a more active participant in my classes.

I have started daily journaling since arriving in Argentina. When I started writing daily it felt like a burden and something I was only doing for my future self to enjoy. But after a few weeks of consistently writing in my journal, I realized how therapeutic it can be. My aunt–from whom I was given the journal–wrote inside the front cover of the journal, “Reflect on 3 good things often–daily if you can…When we capture good things we are more likely to see the goodness all around us.” Since journaling daily, I have realized how insignificant bad moments during the day can be. By the time I write my reflection, I have already forgotten most of the petty things that happened during the day. Don’t get me wrong, it has also been a place for me to vent some of my larger frustrations, but for the most part, it has documented and cultivated gratitude. I look forward to re-reading my entries in years to come, but I also look forward to writing more in these journal.

Last weekend, my host family and I spent 4 days in a cabin in the foothills of the Andes. Once we arrived, we collectively exhaled the stress of daily life and inhaled the soothing silence that was all around us. We passed our time playing board games, taking walks, and conversing. On Friday, we took a day trip to Peñón de Aguila. There, my host brother Febo and I ziplined, climbed a rock wall, shot a bow and arrow, and did two separate ropes courses–one of which crossed a river. These activities fondly reminded me of the summer camp where I worked as a counselor, and have spent the past 13 summers.


View of Lake Dique Los Molinos on our way back to Córdoba

Looking ahead, I am very excited to be in Argentina during the World Cup. My host dad told me that “Everything stops when Argentina is playing”. Students watch games on TVs in the classroom, co-workers gather around a radio, and when Argentina scores…the whole city erupts into cheers, car horns, and songs. It will be like nothing I have ever experienced and I can’t wait.

Ending school feels like closing my first chapter here in Argentina. I now move on to a summer filled with new adventures. I leave Tuesday for a 17-day trip to Patagonia with other exchange students living in Argentina. While it is exciting, I will also miss the friends that I made from the “6th-year” class. These students are my age and I formed bonds with them that are closer than the ones I have formed with the students in my actual grade. When I return to high school in February, these students will all be entering their first year of college. Luckily I will spend time with them this summer and they won’t be too far away when they go to college. For my next blog post, look out for an intensive summary and review of my trip to Patagonia, which hopefully will include some photos of Penguins at Puerto Madryn!

Categories: Nathan